Silvio Binato, DSc (PSR) holds BSc and MSc degrees in Electrical Engineering (Power Systems) and DSc in Computer and Systems Engineering. He has more than thirty years of experience in the electrical sector and joined PSR in 2001. In the last years Dr. Binato worked in several integrated economic-financial and regulatory studies in several countries in the Americas, Europe, Asia and Africa; in areas related to system planning, generation, transmission, generation reliability, firm power, insertion of variable renewables, ancillary services, among others. Among the studies in which he participated, the following stand out: (1) Model for estimating the benefits of the Chile-Argentina interconnection (AES Andes); (2) Studies on insertion of renewables and planning of transmission networks in Chile (Colbun); (3) Challenges of high insertion of variable renewables for the operation and planning of the Brazilian system - for the GIZ/Brazil agency; (4) Analysis of complementary services for variable renewable insertion in Argentina - for the World Bank; (5) Analysis and regulatory proposals for complementary services in the SIN of Colombia - for the CREG; (6) Analysis of flexibility costs for massive insertion of variable renewable energies in Chile - for the Chilean Generators Association; (7) Pre-feasibility study of the “Arco Norte” interconnection project - for the IDB; (8) Evaluation of interconnection scenarios between South American systems - for the IDB; (9) Development of transmission planning model and transmission system expansion study for the West Coast of the United States - for WECC; and (10) Study of interconnection opportunities of 16 Latin American countries - for CIER, CAF and World Bank. Dr. Binato also works as coordinator of the development and maintenance activities of the OPTGEN (for the optimization of the expansion of generation systems and regional interconnection lines) and NETPLAN (for the optimization of the expansion of transmission systems) models; as well as in the development of new methodologies for planning. He participates, as a consultant, in the development of other PSR models such as the SDDP dispatch model, used in 60 countries in the Americas, Europe, Africa and Asia-Pacific. He is author or co-author of more than 30 technical articles in journals, 3 book chapters and several international conferences.